diamond layout

Latest trains layout
IMG 20151119 122117  Left hand end with some spare points IMG 20151119 122127  Points control moved into new location IMG 20151119 122131  Platforms need to be re instated IMG 20151119 122135  wow - a diamond crossing....
IMG 20151119 122141  Los of sidings IMG 20151119 122145  right hand end detail IMG 20151119 122150  diamond crossing from new outer track IMG 20151119 122201  general view
IMG 20151119 122204  left of centre view IMG 20151121 182430  Ready for track laying on the new polystyrene base johns phone 059  LLeft hand end on polystyrene : johns phone johns phone 060  wiring will be hidden under a shed, eventually : johns phone
johns phone 061  2 controllers side by side now. : johns phone johns phone 062  Nice view of sidings. : johns phone johns phone 063  Right hand end. : johns phone johns phone 064  wye will be completed here. : johns phone
johns phone 065  Looking good. : johns phone johns phone 066  Just need to wire up the points. : johns phone johns phone 067  Trains in the sidings, room for more! : johns phone johns phone 068  Loco sidings. : johns phone
johns phone 069  A birthday present. : johns phone johns phone 071  Inter city is back. : johns phone